"This entry in my horror series illustrates the superb potential of the Tascam 24-track hard disc system creating FUCKED UP MONTAGE!! All material used w/o the permission. According to mathematical systems devised in the lab: and it was all a way to get revenge on the ladyfriend of one A.W.A.E. member who scammed many in the community by pretending to have cancer. You gotta agree she deserves her own entry in the Hooror series!!"
-Eugene Chadbourne

Dr. Eugene Chadbourne: 24 track tape montage

1. Track 01 7:36
2. Track 02 9:33
3. Track 03 6:44
4. Track 04 20:57
5. Track 05 8:04
6. Track 06 17:57


House of Chadula 2008